Blueberry and Lemon Overnight Oats

Blueberry and Lemon Overnight Oats

We’re not always able to take our mornings slow and easy, and on those “rush out the door” days to work or school, it’s very tempting succumbing to on-the-go breakfasts that may not really be the best way to start our day. Thankfully, there’s a fun and simple to prep breakfast meal that can be made up the night before an early morning! Look no further than Overnight Oats! 

A daily helping of unprocessed oats is a good source of beneficial carbs and fibers that have been proven to help lower blood sugar levels and reduce risk of heart disease. They are also packed with protein and high quality vitamins and minerals! 

Just ½ cup of dry oats can contain:

  • Manganese: 63.91% of the daily value (DV)
  • Phosphorus: 13.3% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 13.3% of the DV
  • Copper: 17.6% of the DV
  • Iron: 9.4% of the DV
  • Zinc: 13.4% of the DV
  • Folate: 3.24% of the DV
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin): 15.5% of the DV
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): 9.07% of the DV

Being such a simple and versatile food, when mixed with other beneficial breakfast goodies, such as fruit, nuts, honey, and spices, you’ve got yourself a small, but mighty powerhouse meal to start your day! Check out our recipe below for Blueberry and Lemon Overnight Oats!



Tools Needed:

  • Measuring cup
  • Bowl for mixing
  • A jar with a screw lid



  • 1 cup rolled oats (not instant)
  • ½ cup milk
  • ½ cup greek yogurt
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp cinnamon 


  • Blueberries
  • Granola of choice
  • Chia seeds


1. In a bowl, gently mix together ingredients until well incorporated. 



2. Scoop oat mixture into your jar and seal the lid. Let sit overnight or at least 2-3 hours.

3. Add toppings to your preference either within the same jar or in a separate bowl. Enjoy!