The Ele Chocolates Probiotic Bites Test Trial Application is Offically Open!

The Ele Chocolates Probiotic Bites Test Trial Application is Offically Open!

The application to participate in our Probiotic Bites Test Trial this coming January is officially open! We’re looking for a diverse group of people to partake in this free trial in exchange for honest feedback of our upcoming Chocolate Probiotic Bites.


This trial will last a full duration of 30 days, January 15th- February 15th. If selected, the only requirement needed to partake properly is to eat one Ele Choclates Probiotic Bite a day. At the end of the 30-day mark, we’ll then ask you to fill out a report form on how the bites may or may not have affected your overall health! Whether positively, negatively, or not at all, we want to hear all of it. However, the iVS-1 and iVE-15 probiotic strains have undergone many preliminary group trials already and have shown incredible results, so we’re very hopeful that you’ll see similar positive results.


We’re very excited to soon share this product with you all!


Please visit here for our application link.