Time For A Cat Nap

Time For A Cat Nap

The autumn and winter seasons are often dreary and cold in most places, and some might say prime for perfect ‘napping weather.’ These chilly grey days can leave you feeling drowsy and low on energy. While on one hand, a healthy dose of coffee or tea can remedy this, a better night’s sleep or even a mid-day nap can have an even greater effect.


Your mind and body need their rest. It’s not fair to yourself to always be going 60 mph all day every day, you need to take the time to recharge and refuel to function properly. A short daily nap a day can not only improve your energy levels, but it can also boost your mood and cognitive functions. With all this said, it should also be noted that not all naps are created equal.


Studies have shown that the most ideal times to take a nap are between the hours of 1 and 3pm and not for longer than 30 minutes. Napping any later than 3pm can make it harder for you to get your full nightly rest and taking long daily naps may do you more harm than good. Studies have shown that napping for too long daily may lead to cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, excess fat gain, and high blood sugar. With all this said, you should again keep your naps within the short and sweet time frame of 20-30 minutes if they become a daily routine.